
Options include any changes or additions not included in our standard price.

  • Hull Color – While many orders are for white hulls, many others ask for a colorful Sabot. Any standard color is the same price. See color choices on our  Gelcoat Colors page.
  • Cleats – The standard cleats are all clam cleats with internal rollers to guide the lines coming back from the bow. These are mounted near the top of the thwart with only two holes per cleat to minimize leakage into the thwart. If Harken Cam cleats are requested then they need a turning block with eye strap to guide the line and a fairlead mounted on top of the cleat. Opting for Harken rigging versus the clam cleats would be an additional $400.
  • Rigging – If you are looking for a boat for a junior we rig three cleats on each side of the mid-thwart. This allows someone with shorter arms or sitting on the rail to adjust the boomvang, outhaul or downhaul without having to reach as far. An adult with longer arms usually gets one cleat on each side for the boomvang, one cleat for the outhaul and one for the downhaul.
  • Blades – I’m unable to get boards to reshape from Sailing Supply so I no longer include them with the boat. For the person looking for the highest quality and top speed from their boards, take a look at Grasham Boards. I can order them and mount them if desired.
  • Twingers – These are lines that are pulled when rounding the windward mark to pull the boom out. This is an additional through-deck fitting on each side of the bow thwart as well as line and cleats. This adds up to $250. Again, clam cleats or Harken
  • Quantum Sail – Quantum One Design has teamed with Bedford Boats to offer 15% off a Sabot sail  when purchased with a new boat.

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